
[루팅] TWRP for herolte

헤르메스의날개 2022. 8. 28. 16:36

루팅은 신중하게 생각해보고 결정하시길 바랍니다.

주의. OEM 잠금 해제 및 USB 디버깅을 설정해야 합니다.

TWRP 설치하고 루팅하신 분은 절대 개발자 옵션의 OEM 언록 항목의 체크를 해제하지 마시기 바랍니다!!!

TWRP for herolte


Team Win strives to provide a quality product. However, it is your decision to install our software on your device. Team Win takes no responsibility for any damage that may occur from installing or using TWRP.

We recommend downloading the latest version of TWRP for your device.

Sometimes, firmware updates for a device break compatibility. If you have not updated the firmware on your device and the latest version of TWRP is not working for you, you may want to try an older version.

Downloading an image for a different device, no matter how similar, usually does not work.

Thank you for choosing TWRP.

TeamWin PGP Public Key

twrp-3.6.2_9-0-herolte.img 45.1M 2022-06-01 23:42:55 UTC
twrp-3.6.2_9-0-herolte.img.tar 45.1M 2022-06-01 23:42:55 UTC
twrp-3.6.1_9-0-herolte.img.tar 45.1M 2022-03-06 20:45:11 UTC
twrp-3.6.1_9-0-herolte.img 45.1M 2022-03-06 20:45:10 UTC
twrp-3.6.0_9-0-herolte.img 45.1M 2021-11-23 14:42:04 UTC
twrp-3.6.0_9-0-herolte.img.tar 45.1M 2021-11-23 14:42:04 UTC
twrp-3.5.2_9-0-herolte.img.tar 45M 2021-04-05 13:38:38 UTC
twrp-3.5.2_9-0-herolte.img 45M 2021-04-05 13:38:37 UTC
twrp-3.5.1_9-0-herolte.img.tar 45M 2021-03-14 06:28:14 UTC
twrp-3.5.1_9-0-herolte.img 45M 2021-03-14 06:28:13 UTC
twrp-3.5.0_9-0-herolte.img.tar 43.6M 2020-12-27 13:18:06 UTC
twrp-3.5.0_9-0-herolte.img 43.6M 2020-12-27 13:18:05 UTC
twrp-3.4.0-0-herolte.img.tar 43.6M 2020-06-22 13:55:06 UTC
twrp-3.4.0-0-herolte.img 43.6M 2020-06-22 13:55:06 UTC
twrp-3.3.1-0-herolte.img.tar 43.5M 2019-05-20 04:35:51 UTC
twrp-3.3.1-0-herolte.img 43.5M 2019-05-20 04:35:50 UTC
twrp-3.3.0-1-herolte.img.tar 43.5M 2019-04-19 15:18:16 UTC
twrp-3.3.0-1-herolte.img 43.5M 2019-04-19 15:18:16 UTC
twrp-3.3.0-0-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2019-04-11 03:06:56 UTC
twrp-3.3.0-0-herolte.img 40.9M 2019-04-11 03:06:55 UTC
twrp-3.2.3-0-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2018-07-30 04:07:56 UTC
twrp-3.2.3-0-herolte.img 40.9M 2018-07-30 04:07:56 UTC
twrp-3.2.2-0-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2018-06-30 23:11:34 UTC
twrp-3.2.2-0-herolte.img 40.9M 2018-06-30 23:11:34 UTC
twrp-3.2.1-1-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2017-12-31 01:24:41 UTC
twrp-3.2.1-1-herolte.img 40.9M 2017-12-31 01:24:41 UTC
twrp-3.2.1-0-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2017-12-09 16:26:31 UTC
twrp-3.2.1-0-herolte.img 40.9M 2017-12-09 16:26:31 UTC
twrp-3.1.1-0-herolte.img.tar 40.8M 2017-05-17 16:13:15 UTC
twrp-3.1.1-0-herolte.img 40.8M 2017-05-17 16:13:15 UTC
twrp-3.1.0-0-herolte.img.tar 40.9M 2017-03-08 17:56:54 UTC
twrp-3.1.0-0-herolte.img 40.9M 2017-03-08 17:56:53 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-4-herolte.img.tar 40.8M 2016-10-15 11:23:32 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-4-herolte.img 40.8M 2016-10-15 11:23:32 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-3-herolte.img 38.4M 2016-08-25 22:06:25 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-3-herolte.img.tar 38.4M 2016-08-25 22:06:25 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-2-herolte.img.tar 35M 2016-05-28 12:11:55 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-2-herolte.img 35M 2016-05-28 12:11:54 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-1-herolte.img.tar 35M 2016-05-17 01:28:27 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-1-herolte.img 35M 2016-05-17 01:28:27 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-0-herolte.img.tar 36.7M 2016-04-04 20:26:06 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-0-herolte.img 36.7M 2016-04-04 20:26:06 UTC
twrp-3.0.1-0-herolte.img.tar 36.7M 2016-04-01 01:48:21 UTC
twrp-3.0.1-0-herolte.img 36.7M 2016-04-01 01:48:21 UTC
twrp-3.0.0-0-herolte.img.tar 36.7M 2016-03-14 21:59:55 UTC
twrp-3.0.0-0-herolte.img 36.7M 2016-03-14 21:59:54 UTC

TWRP images are copyright 2011 to 2022 Team Win LLC. You may download and use TWRP for your own use.

You may place links to our html pages but you are not allowed to link directly to any files. Please do not mirror our content on your own site or server.

Mirroring our content is not allowed without written permission from Team Win LLC. Despite our best efforts, occasionally faulty images of TWRP are released and later removed and people may brick their devices if your mirror still contains the bad image.

Mirroring our content without permission or linking directly to our files without using the html pages reduces our ad revenue which is our primary source of income for this project.



[루팅] 갤럭시 S7 Edge

루팅하다가 벽돌이 되었습니다. Custom Binary(RECOVERY) Blocked By FRP Lock 원인은 OEM 언로 항목을 체크 해제 한 것 때문이라고 합니다. 해결 방법을 검색해보니, Odin 으로 펌웨어를 다시 넣으면 된다고 합


