헤르메스 LIFE

[Exception] Error response from daemon: Container XXX is not running 본문


[Exception] Error response from daemon: Container XXX is not running

헤르메스의날개 2021. 7. 25. 19:24

Docker 를 실행 시 발생하는 오류 입니다.

? Docker 컨테이너 확인
docker ps -a

? Docker 컨테이너 실행
$>docker exec -it postgres_boot bash

? Docker 컨테이너 멈춤
$>docker stop postgres_boot

? Docker 컨테이너 시작
$>docker start postgres_boot

? Docker 컨테이너 실행
$>docker exec -it postgres_boot bash

? docker exec -> run a command on an existing/running container
? docker run -> create a new container from an image, and run the command there

