헤르메스 LIFE

Gpg4win의 소개 본문


Gpg4win의 소개

헤르메스의날개 2013. 7. 25. 10:26

홈페이지 : http://www.gpg4win.org/about.html

Gpg4win (GNU Privacy Guard for Windows) is encryption software for files and emails.

보시면 알겠지만 GNU License라 공짜 프로그램입니다.

64bit OS를 지원한다고 하는데, 제 환경에서는 Kleopatra 가 실행되지 않네요.. ㅠ.ㅠ

Windows XP에서 테스트 해보니 잘되네요.

Gpg4win Components

Gpg4win is an installer for Windows and contains several Free Software components:

  • GnuPG

    The core; this is the actual encryption tool.

  • Kleopatra

    A certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S/MIME) and common crypto dialogs.

  • GPA

    An alternative certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S/MIME).

  • GpgOL

    A plugin for Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 (email encryption).

  • GpgEX

    A plugin for Microsoft Explorer 32bit (file encryption).

  • Claws Mail

    A complete email application with crypto support.

  • Gpg4win Compendium

    The documentation (for beginner and advanced users), available in English and German.

Gpg4win Installer

  • The welcome screen


  • Kleopatra's splash screen

  • Kleopatra's main window with two (trusted) OpenPGP certificates.

  • Kleopatra's main window of an imported X.509 certificate chain. The root certificate is trusted (blue background color).

  • Creation of an OpenPGP certificate: Input of personal details.

  • Creation of an X.509 certificate: Input of personal details.

  • Details of an OpenPGP certificate.

  • Configuration of certificate servers (OpenPGP and X.509).

  • Certify an OpenPGP certificate.

  • Owner trust settings of a public OpenPGP certificate.

  • Encrypting files and folders in 3 steps:
    1. Select files and folders...

  • 2. Select certificates for whom you want the files to be encrypted...

  • 3. Finished. The encrypted archive file.

  • Successful check of a signed file.


  • The context menu of GpgEX in Windows Explorer - with advanced Options.


  • Sign and encrypt an email in Outlook.

  • Signed and encrypted messages in the email folder view of Outlook 2007.

  • The option dialog of GpgOL.


  • Set a passphrase (with quality check).

  • Pinentry for enter the passphrase of an OpenPGP certificate.

  • Pinentry for entering the passphrase of an X.509 certificate.
