헤르메스 LIFE

[Tree] dTree의 활용 ( JavaScript Tree ) 본문


[Tree] dTree의 활용 ( JavaScript Tree )

헤르메스의날개 2013. 11. 27. 09:54

출처 : http://www.destroydrop.com/javascripts/tree/default.html

간단하게 사용가능합니다.

  • Unlimited number of levels
  • Can be used with or without frames
  • Remembers the state of the tree between pages
  • Possible to have as many trees as you like on a page
  • All major browsers suported
    • Internet Explorer 5+
    • Netscape 6+
    • Opera 7+
    • Mozilla
  • Generates XHTML 1.0 strict validated output
  • Alternative images for each node

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

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